Function: Notice displayed if the theme is not neve.
Source: functions.php:17
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Function: Notice displayed if the theme is not neve.
Source: functions.php:17
Method: Unserializing instances of this class is forbidden.
Source: includes/modules/header_footer_grid/components/icons.php:170
Method: Cloning is forbidden.
Source: includes/modules/header_footer_grid/components/icons.php:160
Method: Load the customizer modules.
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:150
Method: Enqueue customizer preview script.
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:135
Method: Add controls.
Source: includes/customizer/options/main.php:30
Method: Enqueue customizer controls script.
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:86
Method: Define the modules that will be loaded.
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:71
Method: Initialize the customizer functionality
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:54
Method: Loader constructor.
Source: includes/customizer/loader.php:43