Method: Create the section
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:102
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Method: Create the section
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:102
Method: Get the value for the $post_type.
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:56
Method: Get the value for the $post_type.
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:49
Method: Get the label for sections.
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:70
Method: Fuction used for active_callback control property.
Source: inc/customizer/options/base_layout_single.php:534
Method: Get view path to include.
Source: inc/views/base_view.php:32
Method: Function that is run after instantiation.
Source: inc/views/base_view.php:22
Method: Function that enqueues styles if needed.
Source: includes/modules/custom_layouts/admin/builders/beaver.php:34
Method: Add support for elementor theme locations.
Source: inc/compatibility/beaver.php:58
Method: Beautify hook names.
Source: inc/compatibility/beaver.php:92