Method: Add custom JSON parameters to use in the JS template.
Source: inc/customizer/controls/upsell_control.php:103
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Method: Add custom JSON parameters to use in the JS template.
Source: inc/customizer/controls/upsell_control.php:103
Method: Gather the parameters passed to client JavaScript via JSON.
Source: inc/customizer/controls/react/upsell_section.php:41
Method: Render template.
Source: inc/customizer/controls/react/upsell_section.php:50
Method: Function that should be extended to add customizer controls.
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:80
Method: Locked Checkout Layouts
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:92
Method: Add upsells controls
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:155
Method: Init function
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:36
Method: Localize upsell script and send strings.
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:62
Method: Overrides neve_checkout_page_layout theme mod as ‘standard’ if Neve Pro addon is disabled or not activated.
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:55
Method: Sanitize checkout layout that forcefully updates the selection as standard.
Source: inc/customizer/options/upsells.php:130