Method: Get grid columns class.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:330
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Method: Get grid columns class.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:330
Method: Get the posts layout.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:253
Method: Render meta.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:292
Method: Get ordered content parts.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:409
Method: Render the post thumbnail.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:213
Method: Render title.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:274
Method: Function that is run after instantiation.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:26
Method: Change link excerpt more.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:370
Method: Echo the post class.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:138
Method: Render featured posts section.
Source: inc/views/template_parts.php:51