Filter Hook: Add infinite scroll for amp.
Source: inc/compatibility/amp.php:153
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Filter Hook: Add infinite scroll for amp.
Source: inc/compatibility/amp.php:153
Filter Hook: Author: Uriahs Victor Created on: 14/07/2021 (d/m/y)
Source: taxonomy-download_category.php:9
Filter Hook: Filters the container style controls.
Source: inc/customizer/options/layout_container.php:139
Filter Hook: Filters the user roles allowed to create a custom layout post.
Source: includes/admin/custom_layouts_cpt.php:93
Action Hook: Executes the rendering function for the featured post.
Source: index.php:35
Action Hook: Executes the rendering function for the footer.
Source: footer.php:51
Action Hook: Invoke `neve_do_global` on `wp_footer`
Source: includes/modules/custom_layouts/admin/builders/loader.php:145
Action Hook: Register shortcode widget.
Source: includes/modules/custom_layouts/module.php:561
Action Hook: This hook triggers the render of the inside content custom layout template.
Source: includes/modules/custom_layouts/admin/inside_layout.php:175
Action Hook: Executes the rendering function for the pagination.
Source: index.php:158