Action Hook: Executes actions before the single Easy Digital Download meta.
Source: includes/modules/easy_digital_downloads/views/edd_templates.php:221
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Action Hook: Executes actions before the single Easy Digital Download meta.
Source: includes/modules/easy_digital_downloads/views/edd_templates.php:221
Action Hook: Executes actions before the single Easy Digital Download thumbnail.
Source: includes/modules/easy_digital_downloads/views/edd_templates.php:256
Action Hook: Executes actions before the footer was rendered.
Source: footer.php:44
Action Hook: Executes actions before the header ( navigation ) area.
Source: header.php:89
Action Hook: Executes actions before the header tag is opened.
Source: header.php:75
Action Hook: Executes actions before the posts loop start.
Source: index.php:58
Action Hook: Executes actions before the content of the menu sidebar that appears on mobile devices.
Source: header-footer-grid/templates/row-wrapper-mobile.php:66
Action Hook: Executes actions before the page header.
Source: page.php:24
Action Hook: Executes actions before pagination.
Source: inc/views/pluggable/pagination.php:174
Action Hook: Executes actions before the post content.
Source: single.php:25