Function: Function to self heal theme mods option, in case of corrupted value.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:95
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Function: Function to self heal theme mods option, in case of corrupted value.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:95
Function: Define migration logic for header.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:192
Function: Define migration logic for footer.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:333
Function: Handles migration for skin modes of rows
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:12
Function: Define migration logic for footer.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:114
Function: Define migration logic for header.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:143
Function: Add class to page header menu.
Source: header-footer-grid/functions-migration.php:461