Method: Run the internal “run” method for rendering of Sparks Quick View.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:119
Search the Code Reference for more information about Neve's hooks.
Method: Run the internal “run” method for rendering of Sparks Quick View.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:119
Method: Decide if the tabs in the sticky add to cart should be rendered.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:715
Method: The function renders the product tabs of the sticky add to cart.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:665
Filter Hook: In Neve we have the breadcrumbs added at ‘wp’ hook with the priority 11.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:400
Method: Add body class to set number of related products column.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:155
Method: This function is wrapping the add to cart from WooCommerce.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:621
Method: Add the seamless add to cart class on body.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:596
Method: This function is closing the wrapping for the add to cart from WooCommerce.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:693
Method: Decide if sticky add to cart should be rendered.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:722
Method: Change related products number.
Source: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/views/single_product.php:571