Class Tab_Manager
File: includes/modules/woocommerce_booster/tab_manager/product_tabs_manager.php
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- check_tab — Check if tab has required properties and if it's visible.
- enqueue_otter_frontend_assets — Try to load assets from Otter so the blocks would render inside tabs content.
- get_categories — Get product categories asociated with a post id.
- get_global_tabs — Display when the product does not have custom data.
- get_specific_tabs — Display when the product have custom data.
- init — Init function.
- init_views — Initialize the views rendering.
- manage_product_tabs — Wrapper fuction that wich tabs data to be used (global or post meta)
- render_global_tab — Render function for global tabs.
- should_load — Check if submodule should be loaded.